Our Privacy Policy

All personal and professional information collected by RCS River Cruise Services/ Amadeus Careers is for the primary purpose of building an applicant’s profile and professional experience so as to match our manning requirements and will not be released for any form of commercial gain and will be maintained in a secure location as per the requirements of the “GDPR European Directive" and our company’s GDPR policies

Collecting your personal information

RCS River Cruise Services/ Amadeus Careers understands that members may have concerns about their privacy and the confidentiality and security of information that RCS River Cruise Services/ Amadeus Careers may obtain about them. RCS River Cruise Services/ Amadeus Careers is committed to comply with the requirements of the “European GDPR directive”.

What if you do not provide the personal information we require?

Failure to provide the information sought by RCS River Cruise Services/ Amadeus Careers, for the purposes detailed may not enable the organization to complete an applicant’s profile and process the specific employment application submitted.

How does RCS River Cruise Services/ Amadeus Careers secure your personal information?

To prevent any unauthorized access to your information, RCS River Cruise Services/ Amadeus Careers has installed computer and network security, including encryption, password protection processes, anti-spy ware and firewalls. Only authorized staff have access to the data file information. Hard copies of personal information are stored in secure locations to prevent any misuse of the information.


To whom do we disclose your personal information?

All applicant’s personal & professional information will only be used or disclosed by the RCS River Cruise Services/ Amadeus Careers as allowed by European GDPR directive for the purpose of recruitment and employment

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